Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tourist Trap (1979)

As a kid in the 80's there was this video store by my grandparents house. My grandpa was friends with the owner and every weekend we would stock up on movies. The owner gave us a catalog with tons of movie box art and synopsis to take home.. I would flip through the horror sections and try to find the scariest box art and that's how I would select what to get next weekend.

This is when I discovered "Tourist Trap" I remember flipping through the pages and being stopped in my tracks and frozen in terror at the box art of this movie. This was the first WTF moment of my life. Sad to say I never built up enough courage to get this movie until I was in my early teens. All I can say this is still one of my favorite horror movies to this day.

The great Chuck Connors plays the owner at a roadside museum fool of mannequins and other creepy items.
 A group of kids break down and decided to check out the roadside attraction, but they do not know that this may be the last attraction they over see. Chuck Connors claims to have a crazy brother that roams the area but is harmless. Through out the movie the kids are slaughtered in different ways by a unknown force controlling the freaky looking mannequins.

This is a must for a Friday night horror movie lineup!!!!

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